The Nabataeans Info

The Nabataeans (Nabateans) were an Arab people who lived in northern Arabia and the Southern Levant. they built  settlements, most prominently the assumed capital city of Petra, in AD 37 – c. 100.  The magnificent city of Petra is so impressive, that even today tourists stare in awe at the great ruins. Yet, this impressive city was hidden away in a cleft in the rock with access through a narrow crack in a mountain.

That is how illusive and mysterious the Nabataeans were. Thats make Petra one of the seven wonders because if the mysterious of Nabataeans History. Jane Taylor, a writer, describes them as "one of the most gifted peoples of the ancient world".

History tells us that the Nabataeans were nomads, dwelling in tents in the desert. Yet, within a few short years they built spectacular and awe inspiring monuments. but no one is really sure how large their empire really was. there are only a few surviving documents and scattered inscriptions and graffiti.
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